Thursday, July 24, 2008

Funny Car Moment

Realized I didn't write about the funny moment Em and I had in the car on our way home from Fayetteville....

I decided to stop at the Darrien Outlets, you know, to give Em a break from being in the car - what was more suitable than taking a look at the Gap, Polo, Coach and KB Toy steals and deals; you know Emma just loves her coach bags. Anyway, now that I've had a few days to think about this, it's probably one of those "you had to be there" funny moments, so if you're taking the time to read this and you're disappointed, this serves as my we go: after browsing the deals in the stores I wanted to change Em's diaper before getting back on the road. As I thought about this, I looked up to see a big sign "restrooms" - perfect! After about I don't know 200 feet or so (Troy, this is one of my off the wall measurements here) I had passed 2 additional "restroom" signs. Being alone with a baby, my shopping bags and fabulousness, I decided this was a lure - a dangerous lure, some kind of backwoods Georgia lure. So, I decided to just change Emma in the car. Taking the advice from my oh so street smart husband I hurriedly jammed all the bags into the car; held Emma (whose diaper was, what do we say, yes, getting it's money worth) in one arm, folded the stroller and power slung it into the back of the truck and then ran to the driver's side, hopped in and locked the doors. For those of you who don't live in the South, let me reminder you here how HOT it gets here. We were both a little wet with sweat and you know my armpits were spicy. I'm not sure what Emma was thinking at this point, but she just busted out laughing. It crossed my mind that her daddy told her about his instructions to get into the car fast anytime we stopped and she was simply amused at how I man handled her stroller less than 2.5. Who knows. Of course her laughter inspired me to do the same. I'd like to think the challenges of changing an 8 month old's diaper in the front seat of an SUV with only a small give between me and the steering wheel contributed to how long it took to accomplish the task, but seriously, me and Em just kept laughing. It was like being with a girlfriend with a good case of the giggles. She's become my littliest best friend. Anyway, I apologize for the delay with the post - dangerous lures and laughter aside, mission accomplished. No restroom, no problem; this mom improvises.

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