Monday, July 14, 2008


I was challenged some time ago to begin thinking about worshiping Jesus in different ways...
Sounds logical and easy enough, but truth for me is that I tend to worship through music, and it had never been pointed out to me directly that worship could (and should) take place in other ways. For some, it's through the actual message or sermon, for others it's through writing, and still for others, it's in the quiet moments they spend away from the hussle and bussle of life and get real with God.
I've noticed lately that church sermons gradually make sense in my life. I find that as things occur from day to day I have a way of tying them back to something I've heard recently. The first time I had the experience of worshiping God without a band and singing was on our honey moon. The last night we were there the resort had a bomb fire on the beach. As I sat in my beach chair and watched the fire burn and listened to the waves crash against the shore I couldn't help but feel the awe and wonder of it all. After a few minutes I realized I was talking to God and thanking him for the amazing husband he gave me and life we would be going back to - our home, our daughter, our extended families, work, friends, church family. God is good.
The next time I had this similar experience was when I rocked Emma to sleep one afternoon for a nap. As she lay still and peaceful in my arms against my chest my mind drifted to a time when I never imagined being able to hold a baby of my wasn't the first time I had the thought, but it was the first time that I felt so overwhelmed and compelled to praise God for all he has blessed me with. Right there in the rocking chair, holding my sleeping baby, I began to praise Him, and it felt good.
I've been thinking about these two experiences a lot lately - maybe that's why I decided to write about them...I've been feeling the urge to write publicly for a while now, but I'm usually into spilling my feelings in cyber space. Maybe this is just another way of worshiping Him - to share what he has blessed me with for all of you to read....we'll see where it goes, but for now, I'm looking forward to more of these moments.

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