Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Today we played house

Today was a great day. Troy was off. I had to work this morning but it went by quickly. I cooked a big dinner and Emma helped me make home-made mac-n-cheese. Troy videotaped her - she is so funny - she decided she needed 2 bites while we were stirring. We played hide-and-seek outside after dinner and wrote on the drive way with chalk. I baked a home-made cake and the each of us ate a slice at the table together while enjoying a glass of milk. The TV was off. It was nice. Troy and I both got to say bed-time prayers with Emma - a rare treat these days with Troy's work schedule.

We also got to bring Sophie home today. Emma is so happy to have her home but doesn't quite understand that she still needs a lot of rest. We have to force-feed her with a syringe - hopefully she will make a full recovery. We are hoping to have her as a part of our family for a long time.

Today reminded me of playing house when I was a little girl. Pretend play was always perfect - the perfect husband, babies and home-cooked meals - just like today.

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