Wednesday, July 30, 2008


If anyone has any helpful hints on how to increase the odds in winning the lottery I'd appreciate the advise. You all know I'm terrible at math, so I'd really benefit from some you statisticians out there. If I won the lottery I could be a part-time stay-at-home mommy. I think I'd have a job as a Jazzercise instructor to stay in shape and feel like I'm making a useful basically my schedule would be like this most days:

7 am - wake up, make breakfast for Troy and Em; eat
7:30 am - play with Em
8 am - leave the house to take Em to a play group and head to Jazzercise
9 am - Jazzercise
10:30 am - grocery store for fresh produce; dinner items
11:15 am - home to shower
12:00 pm - meet with other stay at home mommies for lunch
1:30 pm - pick Em up from play group
1:45 pm - shop at cute baby boutiques, home decor stores, and ridiculously expensive clothing stores for me and Troy....and purchase things here and there for any of you lucky friends and family
3:00 pm - head home for Em's nap and Mommy time (you know to blog, scrapbook or snoop around myspace)
4:30 pm - prepare dinner, which of course includes dinner parties most evenings
6:00 pm - eat dinner
6:45 pm - dessert
7:00 pm - family play time (swimming, swinging in the backyard, softball, kickball or anything else one can do in the backyard....Troy, we can even play tennis if you want)
8:00 pm - Em's bath (in a huge garden tub with bubbles of course)
8:30 pm - story time / bed time for Em; mommy and daddy time
Bed, and then start the day all over again....

k, back to reality...I have an interview to do in 14 minutes....

1 comment:

The Godwin's / Henderson's Adventures in Life said...

LOL I love it girl! Actually Drew and I have thought about playing the lottery. We are gonna use the kids birthdates for good luck. So I won't forget you if we win and you don't forget me if you win lol. Anyways I wanted to tell you and made an Elephant from Build a Bear last weekend and named it Emma Bug. She loves her cousin so much. Anyways give her a kiss from us and tell her we miss her. We miss you and Troy as well and kisses to both of you. Talk to you soon sis!