Thursday, August 28, 2008

what to wear

and so the journey to being a woman begins....

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Heavy Shoulders

Today has been a long day. Work has been the pits, minutes with Emma have been too short, and I'm reminded how people disappoint one another from time to time. Today I was let down.

I heard someone recently explain why they don't go to church, because of "people like that" referring to someone they know who disappointed them too. That's just the point though. We're (children of God) not perfect, and we will continue to disappoint. We need His grace and forgiveness. It just sits heavy on my heart to know actions and words of imperfect people deter people from a perfect Savior.

Tomorrow is a new day.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Monday, August 18, 2008

Family Portraits

Our family portrait session is now viewable on Melissa Posey's site.

click on view proofs

mathews family

password is andy

enter your own e-mail address

happy viewing!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Emma's 9 month check up

Emma had her 9 months check up yesterday. Only one shot this time, and she didn't even cry! Dr. Stanley says he thinks she'll be walking within 6 weeks - YIKES! All of these milestones are so bitter-sweet. She's still in the 75th percentile for height and weight, 28 1/2 inches long and 22 pounds.

A moment at Publix.

All right let me set up the seen. It is 930 at night i have just worked eight hours and i have one and a half hours left. I just finished working a 300 piece truck. Now i have to block my section, o joy. now im not sure if you know this or not put Publix closes at 10pm i tell you that because not many people know that, i guess they think it is Walmart.
Ok lets get started. The time now is 950 i am blocking the ice cream section. Around the corner comes a mother and her i guess 8 or 9 year old daughter. the mother is looking for a certain ice cream so she is studying the the labels. while her daughter is grabbing everything in the cooler and showing her mom is this the one. which brings asmile to my face until i realize she is not putting it back where she found it. i just finished that section i say to myself, i am ready to go home. so ten minutes later and 23 ice cream flavors out of place. she asks me if we have what she is looking for. now since i just worked the truck i know what i have in the back and that is not one of the items. so i tell her we are all out that item was not on the truck today. so she says could you check in the back for me. so again i think to myself, Is she serious does she not listen? now i am on my way to the back to look for something not there beause that is good customer service. All the way to the back i am mumbling i told you i dont have any back her your daughter just made me stay here longer and you dont need this ice cream. i was being so hateful what would God say about my behavior, so i pray for a minute get my composure and go back out to tell her there is no chocolate trinity, and guess what this woman is gone. AAAHHHH!!!!!
thanks for listening

Monday, August 11, 2008

On our way to potty training...

Emma discovered toilet paper this morning! I noticed she was unraveling it and quietley pssss'd Troy over to snap the picture....

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Table Food

Emma started eating table food about a week ago and has since ditched her Gerber jar food. I recognize parenting is always a learning process, but I don't feel prepared or ready for this milestone. The kid eats and eats and eats. I don't know how much is just right, too little or too much. Then there's the issue of what to make / prepare for her, not to mention the fun (mess) she seems to have with it. Monday night my parents had Melissa Posey take our family portraits and we all ate at Golden Corral afterwards. Emma had already eaten before we left and had half a bottle in the car, but man, she wouldn't stop "begging" for the food! I tried to distract her by allowing her to try to figure out how to drink from my straw, but guess what, she sucked water right on in! Where does she learn this stuff???

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Marathon Training

I officially began training for a 1/2 marathon yesterday. I haven't ran since March 2007. It felt good to run again. Troy has committed to the full marathon (26.2 miles). I'm looking forward to running together again. We'll keep you posted on our progress, and hopefully some of you will be at the finish line in February to either help us celebrate finishing or drive us to the ER for some medical attention.