Friday, October 24, 2008

Is that so?

I saw a bigger than normal bumper sticker Wednesday on a car in the parking lot of Emma's school. The sticker was on the back window, so I guess I should call it a window sticker. Anyway, it caught my attention and what it said has been bothering me since....

I'm not writing to argue my position on the issue. I guess it just reminds me to always be conscience of the way I convey the message of a loving Savior to those who haven't yet accepted His grace.

1 comment:

ScottD said...

Regardless of ones views on Pro-Life/Pro-Choice, how do we put limits on God's grace? I think that such statements or Bumper Stickers show a complete mis-understanding of the Gospel of Christ. Matt 25 shows what Jesus had to say about what it means to be a Christian. But people like to ignore that sort of thing.