Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Poo-poo Mom-ma

Let me set the scene...

Monday night, bath time...washed Emma's body, washed and rinsed her hair...gave her a few minutes of play time in the tub. My mom happened to be over and was sitting in the bathroom talking to me as I bathed Emma. We're tied up in our conversation about whatever as I hear the grunt and look down to see Emma squatting in the tub. I say "mom, she's going to poop." Mom answers back - "No she's not." First I hear it - plop, plop, plop...then I see them...three little people turds. Turds people, real poop, not mushy baby poop, I'm talking real life solid little people turds...floating in the bath water.

What to do? None of the books I've read on parenting has prepped me for this. No problem, reaction time is less than one second. I immediately start screeching, "EWWW, EWWW, mom, oh my gosh, gross, what do I do, what do I do?" My mom is laughing hysterically at this point and I couldn't help but join in. Apparently Emma thinks it's hilarious too because she starts laughing. In between breaths my mom manages to get out "don't let her drink any water."

More laughing....

Mom grabs one of Emma's stacking cups and begins to scoop up the poop while I pull the plug to let the water drain.

Emma looks up at me and says "poo-poo Mom-ma"

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