Saturday, September 27, 2008

Hungry, Hungry Hippos

We watched the debate last night....was glad to see the old Senator decided to show up in the midst of the financial crisis repair emergency meetings. I almost pulled out my old PR text books to see what maneuver his campaign advisor was pulling with the "campaign stall" tactic...or was it a strategy? LOL - that was good stuff last night.

We've been trying to keep an open mind on who gets our votes, but I guess it's no secret we're leaning towards the "brown man" as my niece calls him. I'm not sure I learned anything new last night to help me decide in stone. I did however walk away knowing that the old man knows several world leaders and can pronounce their names fact he's traveled to see many of them himself. The brown man on the other hand didn't say my name personally, but I sure did feel like he had a grasp on what I'm going through as a middle class working mother trying to provide the best life possible for my sure seemed like he was talking about me and people I know.

So we have $700 billion dollars at stake in this financial rescue plan (mess). I didn't make the best grade in economics but aren't they forgeting a critical piece of the formula - the middle class? Do you suppose the government will make good on my student loan debt if I simply raise my hand to say my um, yes, hi, see...I borrowed this money without thinking about the future...and now my house hold will fold if I have to make good on the debt...can you bail me out too? I want a President who will consider the fact that working parents can't afford suitable housing, health care and a college education for their children. I want a President who thinks our education and heath care systems are a crisis...and stops playing games of shotty politics to come up with some emergency repair for these systems. There's an idea I'd be more willing to throw my tax dollars towards.

John Stewart made a pun this week about republicans playing a game of Hungry, Hungry Hippo in which they were eating all the poor people. I can't help but think he's on to something.

1 comment:

The Bobblehead Report said...

Sabrina! Thank you! You expressed what I am feeling so much better than I ever could! -Sarah