Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Be careful what you pray for

God is BIG! I've been reading Elizabeth's George's A Wife After God's Heart and have been taking to heart her challenges each week. After thinking through my letter of committment to God regarding my family (week one) and the role I play as the wife and mother I have been incorporating those desires in my prayer time each day. One of my prayers has been to keep a tidy house, one that my husband doesn't have to go behind me and clean his self. For those of you who know me well, you're going to laugh at God's sense of humor here. For those who might need a little explaining, let's just say this homegirl ain't concerned with a little messiness around the abode - I mean for real, does it really matter that my piles stay piles for weeks at a time? Anyway, here's the "urge" God gave me last Friday after work while Emma was sleeping:

yes folks, that's me, scrubbing my base-boards. It's not spring, we don't have company coming in town, and I'm not pregnant and nesting - go figure!!!


Emily Peacock said...

This picture immediately captured an image in my mind of what the woman looked like who washed Jesus' feet. Humbled; on her knees; bowl of water; rag in hand; in submission. What a reflection of how you are being a servant in your household - to your family - to your Creator. I'm almost inspired to scrub my baseboards ;)

Sunshinejr said...

Hey, you are a good example for me, I need to be around you alot more, not only you are in love and a good servant to God or A awesome wife, and awesome Mother and awesome friend.